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Selkirk Labs Project 003 Review
Control Christopher Olson Control Christopher Olson

Selkirk Labs Project 003 Review

The Selkirk Labs Project 003 has been my favorite paddle since I started using it in July 2022. This paddle has a lot of great things going for it and one potential flaw that can be fixed. So let's talk about it.

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Franklin Carbon STK Review
Control Christopher Olson Control Christopher Olson

Franklin Carbon STK Review

After a long wait, the Franklin Carbon STK is finally here. All summer, we've been seeing this paddle teased by pro player JW Johnson, and there's been a lot of buzz around this paddle, wondering if it would start to take down the endless stream of raw carbon fiber paddles.
There are two different models of the Franklin Carbon STK, but the only difference between them is the core thickness.

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